Pets in Rental Properties

Newsletter, Pets & renting

It is natural for property investors and property managers to be wary of allowing pets into a rental property based upon a prior experience or concerns over what could happen.

Should we decide to allow a pet in the rental property, some firm guidelines should be placed at the start of the tenancy and written as additional terms of the tenancy agreement so there is firm understanding and agreement as to the consent that we have granted.

Firstly, when we check the renter’s references, additional particulars should be sought as to whether the pet created a disturbance, nuisance or damage during a previous tenancy.

Renter must also inform us the breed, size and number of pets that are to be considered as part of the tenancy.

Although difficult to police, clear guidelines will be sought and made whether the pet will remain outdoors at all times or whether the renter will be allowed to bring the pet indoors.

If we decide to allow a pet into our rental property, we will set guidelines such as the above, in addition to terms such as the renter fumigating the property internally and externally and steam-cleaning the carpets at the end of the tenancy. Restriction of the number and type of pets should be written into the agreement.

Our experience has shown that by making it clear at the start of the tenancy that consent is granted upon the terms set out in the tenancy agreement it is possible to have a harmonious pet friendly tenancy.

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